domingo, 5 de maio de 2013


yeah thats correct I have lots and lots of books to make a review, but unfortunatly I dont have time for that, Even that I want to.. I still have to finish so many stuff, and to have time to come here its like crazy.

However Im trying to manage my time for the reviews.

 just for you guys have a clue of some of the books I already have read and needs  a review, Ill make you a list.
Fifty Shades Triology,  

2nd A sombra do vento

3rd O anagrama de Varsovia

4th Beautiful Bastard

5th Beautiful Desaster

6th Fire After Dark

7th Halo

8th Rule

9th Warm Bodies

10 th Leaving Paradise / Returnig to Paradise

11th Losing it

12th Slave Triology

13th Perdida

14th Procura-se marido

and others that i cant remmeber, dudes. its a lot

Pessoal aqui esta a lista de alguns dos livros que ainda me faltam fazer revisao, ainda tenho postar a resenha para todos eles, todos os livros aqui estao deponiveis para epub, mais inflismente nem todos estao em portugues. qualquer coisa para downloads nao esite em ppostar seu comentario. bom feriados para os ingles e boa semana para quem nao vai ter feriado amah, beijao grande que eu.. bem eu vou LER!! ^^

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