terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013

Gabriel Redemption is coming

Did you guys pre order it already?? Did you?? Well I did.. and sooo excited for this book.. OMG we are in December I can not even believe it .. The book is coming people


OMG !!!!! I can not wait.. they should definitely do movie, with my baby as Gabriel.. 

Girl Stolen

Sixteen-year-old Cheyenne Wilder is sleeping in the back of the car while her stepmom fills a prescription for antibiotics. Before Cheyenne realizes what's happening, the car is being stolen.

Griffin hadn't meant to kidnap Cheyenne and once he finds out that not only does she have pneumonia, but that she's blind, he really doesn't know what to do. When his dad finds out that Cheyenne's father is the president of a powerful corporation, everything changes--now there's a reason to keep her. 

How will Cheyenne survive this nightmare?


I liked it.. not a romantic book, but you can see some bits of it around the book.
 It grabs you from the very beginning and the pace never slows. I like the fact that April Henry decided to use a blind heroine. The character was well developed and realistic ,she wrote an extremely suspenseful story 

I gave 4 *

if she decides to make second book for this one I will totally agree with that..
I liked Griffin he was a nice guy, well in beginning does not look like that, but you end up liking him

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

Faith (My Misery Muse #2)

Mags is a single mother, running her own business trying to make ends meet. Drake is an A&R guy for a local indie record company who has been working nonstop for a year. When both finally take a vacation with family and friends, they are forced to finally admit, at least to themselves, that they have feelings for each other.

When they go home, they find it even more difficult to put the past in the past and maintain a relationship strong enough to face the challenges ahead. Follow along as they try to make a relationship work while fighting demons of their own, through circumstances not of their making, and with family and friends trying to help.



Busy Busy Times- Desculpem o atraso

Oi pessoal eu lamento muito informar que eu nao vou tar sempre por perto para enviar e atualizar o blog ate inicio do proximo ano.
Porque infelizmente eu estou abarrotada (quem eh portugues entende xD) de tarefas de casa, e trabalho escolar, sem falar que eu trabalho ne gente..

Boas Noticias..
Temos novas administradoras no blog isso quer dizer se eu nao tiver tempo para enviar os livros alguém enviara.. e se atrasar.. Lamento muitoooo =( e se por algum motivo nao ser enviado ate duas semanas manda um GRITO ai no blog xD

Gente desculpem tudo isso e bom.. fiquem bem e leiam muito ta..

PS- Nao esquece de seguir o blog .. ta cantinho equerdo do vosso computador (acho eu) ao menos no meu xD
Ok thats enough bye bye

My Misery Muse (My Misery Muse 1)

First young love gets sidetracked by dreams that take them on two different journeys, but an unknown bond brings them back together again. Devi Porter an up-and-coming tattoo artist in Dallas is trying to live her life as best as possible, but never able to forget the love she had with Seth. Seth a bassist for the popular band My Misery Muse is struggling with his fellow band members with the lifestyle that he now lives. The band decides to go home to Dallas to work on their latest album as well as to work out their problems out from under the glare of the media. Seth and Devi meet up again and both realize they have a lot to work out between themselves as well. As they get reacquainted life and obstacles are thrown at them at every turn, are they able to overcome them to become the family neither really had?


Ok eu sei k nao ando a fazer revisao ja faz muitoooo tempo mas venho dizer que eu ameeeeeeeeiiii esse livro..
E quando eu digo amei eu amei mesmo..
Nao eh aquela balela de historia em que rapaz encontra rapariga e PLIM estao apaixonados..
Nao tem esse ai nao, essa parte ja passou e vem outro drama ainda maior.. xD
Ai mas gente muito fofo..
Aviso que o tenho o livro em ingles, nao tenho traduzido e nem sei se ha traduzido.
Beijinhs e boa leitura

PS; gente eu nao tenho acento no teclado (porque meu pc eh ingles) entao lamento a falta de acento nas palavras..xx

terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

Twisted Perfection e Simple Perfection - Abbi Glines

1. Twisted Perfection  (Perfeição Retorcida )
A vida fora de sua casa era uma nova experiência para Della Sloane. Os segredos de seu passado não eram um assunto que ela desejasse compartilhar com alguém. Eles jamais entenderiam. Ninguém nunca chegou perto suficiente para descobri-los. Havia sempre a hipótese de que ela enlouquecesse mais cedo do que se esperava...
Woods Kerrington nunca tinha sido atraído pela fragilidade das mulheres. Elas pareciam dar muito trabalho. Ele não procurava por esse trabalho, apenas buscava o prazer. Uma noite repleta de diversões impróprias era o que passava pela sua cabeça quando seus olhos pousaram na sensual baixinha que não sabia como abastecer seu carro e precisava de alguma ajuda.
O que ele desconhecia era que ela estava tão frágil quanto sexy.
A garota despreocupada que falava o que vinha à cabeça e que não se importava com o julgamento do mundo sobre ela era muito mais instável do que ele poderia imaginar..

2.Simple Perfection ( Simples Perfeição  )
Woods teve uma vida perfeita traçada para ele. Dirigir os negócios da família. Casar com a moça rica dos sonhos de seus pais. Finja que a riqueza e o privilégio eram tudo o que ele sempre quis.
Em seguida, uma garota chamada Della surgiu na cidade, uma estranha lindamente imperfeita que conquistou seu coração e abriu seus olhos para um novo tipo de futuro.
Woods está pronto e disposto a sacrificar tudo por ela quando a morte repentina de seu pai o deixa com sua mãe para cuidar e um negócio para gerir.
Della está determinada a ser forte para Woods, mesmo quando ela está em silêncio caindo aos pedaços. Não importa o quão longe de casa, ela esteja os fantasmas de seu passado nunca param de assombrá-la. Lutando para esconder seus verdadeiros sentimentos de Woods, Della teme que ela não possa ser sua rocha, sem arrastá-lo para dentro da escuridão com ela.
Mas ela é forte o suficiente para deixar o passado para ficarem juntos?

em pttt, gente sorry o atraso..

Colecao de (Crash) - Nicole Williams

Southpointe High é o último lugar que Lucy queria para encerrar seu último ano de escola. Até tropeçar em Jude Ryder, um cara cujo nome se tornou seu próprio verbo, e sinônimo de problemas. Ele tem uma ficha criminal maior que uma tese, teve seu nome suspirado, gritado, e amaldiçoado por mais mulheres do que Lucy se atreve a perguntar, e vive em uma casa cheia de meninos. Local onde ‘perturbado’ parece ser o status apropriado para os moradores. Lucy tinha uma vida estável, na melhor das hipóteses, sutil nas piores, educação. Ela vive para desgastar o cetim de baixo em seus sapatos de ballet, tem seus olhos focados em Juilliard, e teve o cuidado de manter problemas para fora de sua vida. Até agora.
Jude é tudo o que ela precisa ficar longe se ela quer separar o passado do futuro. Ficar longe, ela está prestes a descobrir, que é a única coisa que é incapaz de fazer.
Para Lucy Larson e Jude Ryder, o amor está prestes a se tornar à única coisa que pode mantê-los separados.
2 .Clash 
A única coisa fácil sobre o relacionamento de Jude e Lucy é seu amor um pelo outro. Tudo mais é difícil. Especialmente quando se trata do temperamento explosivo de Jude e o crescente ciúme de Lucy pela Irmã de Jude, Spirit e o esquadrão de elogios que vem recebendo das líderes de torcida. Sentindo o estresse de tentar se segurar na essencia bad boy dele enquanto torna-se a bailarina principal em sua classe, Lucy sabe que algo vai quebrar. Ela quer os dois. Ela precisa de ambos. Mas se ela não fizer uma escolha, ela corre o risco de perder tudo. Para Lucy Larson e Jude Ryder, o amor pode ser o que apenas não é suficiente.
3 .Crush
Glória do futebol. Um diamante gigante. Um olhar distraído.
Jude e Lucy são dois felizes noivos, mas isso não significa que a vida é um mar de rosas. Mais uma vez, Jude e Lucy são separados por treinamentos de futebol e um emprego de verão que cria novas tensões. Agora é a vez de Jude ter problemas de confiança. Será que as notícias da mudança de vida de Lucy irá uni-los ou terminar o seu relacionamento para sempre? Pode o amor triunfar para sempre?

quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013

FAKING IT - Cora Carmack PT

Ja esta em Portugues gente......
Para download deixe seu e email nos comentarios...
E uma boa Semana a todos

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Serie Losing It - Cora Carmack

O Problema de  Bliss Edwards é sua virgindade....sua virgindade ?, você não leu errado. Prestes a se graduar na faculdade e o maior drama de sua vida é ainda ser virgem — e não saber o que fazer após a faculdade, claro. Louca por ainda ser virgem, ela decide que a melhor maneira de lidar com ela é perdendo-a rápido e de forma simples… com um caso de uma noite.
Um sotaque. ELE TEM UM SOTAQUE INGLÊS. Meu Deus, estou morrendo.
 E tudo vai bem até que ela enlouquece e não consegue chegar aos finalmente com um cara lindo que conheceu no bar, deixando-o sozinho e nu em sua cama com uma desculpa esfarrapada e saindo meio nua direto para a rua. Se isso já não fosse embaraçoso o suficiente, quando chega para sua primeira aula no último semestre de sua faculdade, ela reconhece seu novo professor. Ela o deixou nu em sua cama há poucas horas atrás.

BREVEMENTE em portugues

  Mackenzie "Max" Miller tem um problema. Seus pais chegaram na cidade para uma visita surpresa, e se vêem os cabelos tingidos, tatuagens e piercings, que só poderia deserdá-la. Pior ainda, eles estão esperando para encontrar um bom, namorado saudável, não um cara chamado Mace, que tem uma tatuagem no pescoço e toca em uma banda. Todas as suas mentiras estão prestes a desabar à sua volta, mas então ela conhece Cade.
Cade mudou-se para Filadélfia para agir e para deixar seus problemas para trás no Texas. Até agora, porém, ele manteve os problemas e tinha muito pouca oportunidade de subir ao palco. Quando Max se aproxima dele em um café com um pedido louco para fingir ser seu namorado, ele concorda em fazer o papel. Mas quando Cade desempenha o papel um pouco bem demais, eles são forçados a manter a farsa vai. E quanto mais eles falsificam a relação, mais real ela começa a se sentir


Eu sei eu sei.. se deram um espereitadinha no poste em ingles ja perceberam o quanto eu amo esta serie da Cora Camarck.
Eu simplizmente AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Garrick and Bliss e ja me apaixonei por Cade e Maxx..
Eu podia mandar alguns spoilers agora, mas ai a graca do livro ia acabar ne.. Entao eu vou deixar voces curiosos para lerem esa serie inedita cheia de  loucuras e rapazes LINDOSSS (lindos, perfeitos, fantasticos e muito mais ne.. hihihiihihi)

Eu certamente PERDI a cabeca co Losing it e nao preciso FINGIR o quanto amei Faking it.

Losing it #1, Faking it #2 Finding it #3 by Cora Carmack


Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier

Mackenzie “Max” Miller has a problem. Her parents have arrived in town for a surprise visit, and if they see her dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings, they just might disown her. Even worse, they’re expecting to meet a nice, wholesome boyfriend, not a guy named Mace who has a neck tattoo and plays in a band. All her lies are about to come crashing down around her, but then she meets Cade.

Cade moved to Philadelphia to act and to leave his problems behind in Texas. So far though, he’s kept the problems and had very little opportunity to take the stage. When Max approaches him in a coffee shop with a crazy request to pretend to be her boyfriend, he agrees to play the part. But when Cade plays the role a little too well, they’re forced to keep the ruse going. And the more they fake the relationship, the more real it begins to feel

 Garrick Taylor and Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather . . . ahem . . . complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an absolute breeze, right?

But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization that perhaps they aren't quite as ready for their future as they thought.

As it turns out, the only thing harder than finding love is keeping it

OK OK!!! How I will say that....
JEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!! This was awesome.. This was pretty awesome...
Cora Camarck honey I love you......

I was like this with the sencond book

 I could not control myself, I fall in love with 'losing' it and when 'faking it' was released my world was filled with joy and happines.. 

GARRRRRRIIIIIICCCCKKK!!!! Oh my dayss. Garrick its just Tooooo perfect..to hot..to britsh.
CAdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jezzz...Oh my days I want them both..
Ok. This is one of those books that stays with you.
 "If brains could have orgasms, I'm pretty sure this was what it would feel like."
5 fucking stars..
so well.. I will just breath a bit, try to relax, and tell you guys that you still have one more  book for this novel.

I have the 3 books for download in english.. hihihihi..
Download ask ^^

quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

Emily Vargas has been taken captive. As part of his conditioning methods, her captor refuses to speak to her, knowing how much she craves human contact. He's far too beautiful to be a monster. Combined with his lack of violence toward her, this has her walking a fine line at the edge of sanity.

Told in the first person from Emily's perspective, Comfort Food explores what happens when all expectations of pleasure and pain are turned upside down, as whips become comfort and chicken soup becomes punishment.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a story about consensual BDSM. This is a story about “actual” slavery. If reading an erotic story without safewords makes you uncomfortable, this is not the book for you. This is a work of fiction, and the author does not endorse or condone any behavior done to another human being without their consent

I think somenthing its wrong with me because I liked it, and Im giving 4 fucking stars...
buuutt.. im doind the review later, im still processing.

sábado, 27 de julho de 2013

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma - trailer ( fanmade )

'Forbidden' By Tabitha Suzuma Trailler

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma music

I love this song

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma

 She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. He is seventeen; gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. And now they have fallen in love. But... they are brother and sister.

Seventeen-year-old Lochan and sixteen-year-old Maya have always felt more like friends than siblings. Together they have stepped in for their alcoholic, wayward mother to take care of their three younger siblings. As defacto parents to the little ones, Lochan and Maya have had to grow up fast. And the stress of their lives—and the way they understand each other so completely—has also also brought them closer than two siblings would ordinarily be. So close, in fact, that they have fallen in love. Their clandestine romance quickly blooms into deep, desperate love. They know their relationship is wrong and cannot possibly continue. And yet, they cannot stop what feels so incredibly right. As the novel careens toward an explosive and shocking finale, only one thing is certain: a love this devastating has no happy ending.


How can I make a good review abou this book without bring myself into tears

. I just... I just.....I can't.
This was such a difficult book, such a difficult reading...Its such a difficult subject.

"Let's face it,this is all pretty sick.Maybe the rest of the world's right.Maybe we're just a couple of fucked-up,emotionally disturbed teenagers...."

I will no make a comment about this subject, I will let it go..

"There are no laws,no boundaries on feelings.We can love each other as much and as deeply as we want.No one,Maya,no one can ever take that away from us." 

I dont know, this is something people normally dont think about it.
I think at this point people are allowed to love who ever  they wants, if its consensual if they want it, if they are kinda mature and know exacly what they want so let them be free...
Shit. I’m at a loss of words...

Lochan is indescribable, theres no way that I would find the right words to describe him... his love for his sister, its so deep, so hard, so huge, but the society the judgement, the fear, everything rush into his mind making him feel totally lost, lonely. This forbidden love gave him 3 months of happines.
He would never change that...

"How can something so wrong feel so right?" 

 .I was speechless after reading this, though the two have something in between them that we in all religons and all laws have been taught to be a crime, I feel my heart break for those who still feel the need to justify their love to the world,

 ‘We haven’t done anything wrong! How can love like this be called terrible when we’re not hurting anyone?’ - Maya

  The writing is fantastic! I loved it
This kills me, till now I think I would never recover from this... I hurts, I want gto stop thinking of it but still hurting.
I still feel the hollow... I still feel not good for this review.

“You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.” 

The Opportunist, Dirty Red, Thief (Love Me With Lies ) - Tarryn Fisher

Olivia Kaspen has just discovered that her ex-boyfriend, Caleb Drake, has lost his memory. With an already lousy reputation for taking advantage of situations, Olivia must decide how far she is willing to go to get Caleb back. Wrestling to keep her true identity and their sordid past under wraps, Olivia’s greatest obstacle is Caleb’s wicked, new girlfriend; Leah Smith. It is a race to the finish as these two vipers engage in a vicious tug of war to possess a man who no longer remembers them. But, soon enough Olivia must face the consequences of her lies, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption

Dear Opportunist,

You thought you could take him from me, but you lost. Now, that he's mine I'll do anything to keep him. Do you doubt me? I have everything that was supposed to be yours. In case you were wondering; he doesn't ever think about you anymore. I won't let him go....ever.

Dirty Red

Leah Smith finally has everything she has ever wanted. Except she doesn't. Her marriage feels more like a loan than a lifelong commitment, and the image she has worked so hard to build is fraying before her eyes. With a new role and a past full of secrets, Leah must decide how far she is willing to go to keep what she has stolen

 Note to Self

Love is patient; love is kind.
Love doesn't boast or brag.
There's no arrogance in love;
it's never rude, crude, or indecent-it's not self absorbed.
Love isn't easily upset.
Love doesn't tally wrongs.
Love trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.
Love will never become obsolete.
I'll fight for her.


Caleb Drake never got over his first love. Not when he got married. Not when she got married. When life suddenly comes full circle Caleb must decide how how far he is willing to go to get the aloof and alluring Olivia Kaspen back. But for every action in life there is a consequence, and soon Caleb finds out that sometimes love comes at an unbearably high price.



terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013

Sylvain Reynard: Chapter Two

Sylvain Reynard: Chapter Two: CHAPTER TWO  Today, I'm (Enn) at Book Bash in Orlando, FL. Thanks to Berkley, those that stop by SR's table (manned by me, not SR...

A Love to Live For - Nikita Heart

Joseph estava morrendo de câncer no cérebro. No momento que Rebecca escuta essa notícia do seu pai, um pastor da pequena cidade de Continental, Maryland, ela corre para o lado do seu amigo que conhece desde o jardim de infância, esperando consolá-lo e oferecer seu apoio. Ela sairia com ele?
Confusa e envergonhada porque nunca tinha sido convidada para sair com um cara antes, Rebecca foge, mas depois de pensar um pouco, decide aceitar o pedido de Joseph, apenas dizendo a si mesma que ela só precisa não se apaixonar com ele, assim, ela não se machucará. Com certeza ela podia fazer isso, não é?
Com sua doçura e preocupação, Joseph captura lentamente o coração destreinado de Rebecca e depois de passar com tempo com Joseph, torna-se claro para ela que está se apaixonando por Joseph. Muito.
Ela se pergunta se deve parar de vê-lo, com medo de perder outra pessoa que ama como perdeu sua mãe há nove anos, e apenas quando ela se decidiu, depara-se com uma situação diferente.
Depois de voltar para casa de uma viagem, Joseph mudou e ele não vai dizer o porquê. Rebecca suspeita que ele possa ter menos tempo restante do que ele pensava, e tem medo de enfrentar a verdade, mas a verdade é algo que Rebecca não esperava

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

"Belle" e "Entre o Amor e a Paixão" - Lesley Pearse

Londres, 1910. Belle, de 15 anos, viveu em um bordel em Seven Dials por toda sua vida, sem saber o que acontecia nos quartos do andar de cima. Mas sua inocência é estilhaçada quando vê o assassinato de uma das garotas e, depois, pega das ruas pelo assassino para ser vendida em Paris. Sem poder ser dona de seu próprio destino, Belle é forçada a cruzar o mundo até a sensual Nova Orleans onde ela atinge a maioridade e aprende a aproveitar a vida como cortesã. A saudade de casa — e o conhecimento de que seu status como garota de ouro não durará muito — a leva a sair de sua gaiola de ouro. Mas Belle percebe que escapar é mais difícil do que imaginou, pois sua vida inclui homens desesperados que imploram por sua atenção. Espirituosa e cheia de desenvoltura, ela tem uma longa e perigosa jornada pela frente. A coragem será suficiente para sustentá-la? Ela poderá voltar para sua família e amigos e encontrar uma chance para a felicidade?

Um pequeno detalhe eu ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiii o final deste livro muitos de voces provavelmente podem nao amar mas eu amei, e foi por essa razao que nao li e nao tenho vontade de ler o segundo livro, pois sei exactamente o que vai acontecer, e euuuuu nao.... repito nao vou deixar aquele ultrage acontecer. nao mesmo. entao fica por aqui.

 "Uma mulher dividida entre o compromisso e o calor de um relacionamento passado." No início da Primeira Guerra, Jimmy, o marido de Belle Reilly, é levado para as trincheiras mortais do norte da França e Belle percebe que não pode ficar de braços cruzados quando tantos estão sacrificando suas vidas. Armada de coragem e boa vontade, ela se torna voluntária como motorista da Cruz Vermelha, também na França.
Então, enquanto cumpre seu dever humanitário, um trágico acidente lhe coloca frente a frente com Etienne — o homem que fez parte de seu passado e a quem nunca esqueceu completamente.
Dividida entre a paixão proibida por Etienne e a lealdade e o amor por Jimmy, Belle encontra-se em uma situação impossível. A confusão de seus sentimentos, misturada à escuridão da mais brutal das guerras, a levará a sucumbir para sempre, ou a força da vida será maior e a conduzirá, finalmente, à verdadeira felicidade?

Deu para entender como vai ser o final do outro e a razao da qual eu nao quero ler o este livro. prontos, ta ai. TEAM JIMMYYYYY!!!

quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Bared to you by Sylvia Day

Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness… He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I’d never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily…Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other’s most private wounds…and desires.The bonds of his love transformed me, even as i prayed that the torment of our pasts didn't tear us apart...

quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2013

Real (Real, Raw & Ripped) by Katy Evans

A fallen boxer.
A woman with a broken dream.
A competition…

He even makes me forget my name. One night was all it took, and I forgot everything and anything except the sexy fighter in the ring who sets my mind ablaze and my body on fire with wanting…

Remington Tate is the strongest, most confusing man I’ve ever met in my life.

He’s the star of the dangerous underground fighting circuit, and I’m drawn to him as I’ve never been drawn to anything in my life. I forget who I am, what I want, with just one look from him. When he’s near, I need to remind myself that I am strong–but he is stronger. And now it’s my job to keep his body working like a perfect machine, his taut muscles primed and ready to break the bones of his next opponents . . .

But the one he’s most threatening to, now, is me.

I want him. I want him without fear. Without reservations.

If only I knew for sure what it is that he wants from me?

*-* Review comming soon.

Livros Real, Raw & Ripped - Katy Evans

Um boxeador caído.
Uma mulher com um sonho despedaçado.
Uma competição...
Ele até me faz esquecer o meu nome. Uma noite foi o suficiente, e eu esqueci tudo e qualquer coisa, exceto o lutador sexy no ringue que deixa a minha mente entusiasmada e meu corpo em chamas de desejo...
Remington Tate é o mais forte e mais confuso homem que eu já conheci na minha vida.
Ele é a estrela do perigoso circuito de combate clandestino, e estou atraída por ele como nunca estive atraída por qualquer coisa na minha vida. Esqueço quem sou, o que quero, com apenas um olhar dele. Quando ele está perto, preciso me lembrar de que sou forte – mas ele é mais forte. E agora é o meu trabalho manter seu corpo funcionando como uma máquina perfeita, seus músculos tensos preparados e prontos para quebrar os ossos de seus próximos adversários...
Mas quem ele mais ameaça, agora, sou eu.
Eu quero ele. Eu o quero sem medo. Sem reservas.
Se ao menos eu soubesse ao certo o que é que ele quer de mim?

EU AMEIIIIII, Revisao brevemente adorei genteeeee. Lindoooo
perguntar pelo livro (em PT)

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

GQ Spain Fifty Shades Of Grey

well.. u know its going to look like this, or sort of it. and yeah. okay.

Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Trailer

Fifty Shades Trilogy - E. L. James

Fifty Shades of Grey Book 1

When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.

Shocked yet thrilled by Grey’s singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success—his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family—Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires.

Erotic, amusing, and deeply moving, the Fifty Shades Trilogy is a tale that will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever.

Fifty Shades Darker Book 2 
 Daunted by the singular sexual tastes and dark secrets of the beautiful, tormented young entrepreneur Christian Grey, Anastasia Steele has broken off their relationship to start a new career with a Seattle publishing house. But desire for Christian still dominates her every waking thought, and when he proposes a new arrangement, Anastasia cannot resist. They rekindle their searing sensual affair, and Anastasia learns more about the harrowing past of her damaged, driven, and demanding Fifty Shades. While Christian wrestles with his inner demons, Anastasia must confront her anger and envy of the women who came before her and make the most important decision of her life. Erotic, sparkling and suspenseful, Fifty Shades Darker is the irresistibly addictive second part of the Fifty Shades trilogy

Fifty Shades Freed Book 3

When unworldly student Anastasia Steele first encountered the driven and dazzling young entrepreneur Christian Grey it sparked a sensual affair that changed both of their lives irrevocably. Shocked, intrigued, and, ultimately, repelled by Christian’s singular erotic tastes, Ana demands a deeper commitment. Determined to keep her, Christian agrees.

Now, Ana and Christian have it all—love, passion, intimacy, wealth, and a world of possibilities for their future. But Ana knows that loving her Fifty Shades will not be easy, and that being together will pose challenges that neither of them would anticipate. Ana must somehow learn to share Christian’s opulent lifestyle without sacrificing her own identity. And Christian must overcome his compulsion to control as he wrestles with the demons of a tormented past.

Just when it seems that their strength together will eclipse any obstacle, misfortune, malice, and fate conspire to make Ana’s deepest fears turn to reality.

Review Comming soon, Promess o.O 
I have finished all this books but I need time people, someone can give some extra time PLEASE!!

quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

Fire After Dark, Secrets After Dark, Promises After Dark by Sadie Matthews

A story that will captivate, exhilarate and intoxicate you like no other, perfect for those who loved E. L. James' bestselling Fifty Shades of Grey but were left wanting more...

The first novel in a provocative romance series that will captivate, exhilarate and intoxicate you like no other, perfect for those who loved the bestselling Fifty Shades of Grey but were left wanting more...

It started with a spark...

Everything changed when I met Dominic. My heart had just been broken, split into jagged fragments that can jigsaw together to make me look enough like a normal, happy person.

Dominic has shown me a kind of abandonment I've never known before. He takes me down a path of pure pleasure, but of pain, too - his love offers me both lightness and dark. And where he leads me, I have no choice but to follow.

Deeply intense and romantic, provocative and sensual, FIRE AFTER DARK will take you to a place where love and sex are liberated from their limits.

 Beth and Dominic embarked on the most intensely sexual and emotional relationship of their life in FIRE AFTER DARK - the first novel in Sadie Matthews' erotic romance series. Now SECRETS AFTER DARK will take you one step closer to the bittersweet edge of passion: the perfect read for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James, Sylvia Day and Nikki Gemmell.

Ours was a love bound by power...

Falling in love with Dominic changed me. I relinquished myself completely and placed my heart and my trust in Dominic's hands, but in one exquisite, excruciating moment he abandoned his control. Anguished by his actions, he has locked those darkest desires inside, unable to share my conviction that it would never happen again.

Now it's not only Dominic who craves that delicate, seductive game of give and take, of walking the line between pain and pleasure, abandon and release. Persuading Dominic to let those secret parts of himself unravel will be the biggest risk I've ever taken, but I can't resist. Even if it means we fall apart...

Intensity, sensuality, and seduction awaits in the final part of the provocative romantic AFTER DARK trilogy that has left readers longing for more.

Can a fractured love be salvaged?

Parting with Dominic has left me broken in a way I could never have imagined. We held elation in the palm of our hands, but one misunderstanding brought it crashing down around us. Now the hurt and sadness follows me like a shadow and makes choosing the right path to take impossible.

But one moment with him and the pulsing heat is singing in my blood again; his touch lights a fire that my body refuses to ever forget. I'm hopelessly lost in him. Finding our way back to one another will take trust and a leap of faith - only then we will know whether we have a chance at forever

Review Comming Soon. Finished

Leaving Paradise e Return to Paradise livro de Simone Elkeles

Nada tem sido o mesmo desde que Caleb Becker deixou uma festa bêbado, pegou o carro e atropelou Maggie Armstrong. Mesmo depois de meses de fisioterapia, Maggie continua manca. Sua vida social não existe e uma bolsa de estudos internacional—sua chance de fugir de todo mundo e seus olhares de pena — foi cancelada. Depois de um ano na prisão, Caleb está livre... Mas liberdade significa constante vigilância de um tutor e os olhares curiosos da cidade toda. Voltar pra casa deveria ser bom, mas sua família e sua ex-namorada agora lhe parecem estranhos. Caleb e Maggie são diferentes, classificados como "criminoso" e "estranha". Então a verdade sobre o que realmente aconteceu na noite do acidente surge, e, mais uma vez, tudo muda. A jornada de Caleb e Maggie é sombria e tortuosa, ainda que eles acabem encontrando conforto e força em uma fonte surpreendente: um ao outro

(Livro lido revisao em breve )
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Leaving Paradise, Return to paradise by Simone Elkeles

Nothing has been the same since Caleb Becker left a party drunk, got behind the wheel, and hit Maggie Armstrong. Even after months of painful physical therapy, Maggie walks with a limp. Her social life is nil and a scholarship to study abroad—her chance to escape everyone and their pitying stares—has been canceled.

After a year in juvenile jail, Caleb’s free . . . if freedom means endless nagging from a transition coach and the prying eyes of the entire town. Coming home should feel good, but his family and ex-girlfriend seem like strangers.

Caleb and Maggie are outsiders, pigeon-holed as "criminal" and "freak." Then the truth emerges about what really happened the night of the accident and, once again, everything changes. It’s a bleak and tortuous journey for Caleb and Maggie, yet they end up finding comfort and strength from a surprising source: each other

 Caleb Becker left Paradise eight months ago, taking with him the secret he promised to take to his grave. If the truth got out, it would ruin everything.

Maggie Armstrong tried to be strong after Caleb broke her heart and disappeared. Somehow, she managed to move on. She's determined to make a new life for herself.

But then Caleb and Maggie are forced together on a summer trip. They try ignoring their passion for each other, but buried feelings resurface. Caleb must face the truth about the night of Maggie's accident, or the secret that destroyed their relationship will forever stand between them.

The Sequel to LEAVING PARADISE From the New York TimesBestselling Author of RULES OF ATTRACTION

 Review Comming soon