sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

A Aposta - Vanessa Bosso

A aposta  Uma viagem de formatura. Uma aposta perigosa. Lex, o galinha do colégio, terá apenas sete dias para derreter o congelado coração de nina, a garota que odeia quem use cuecas. Nina enlouquece quando descobre sobre a grande aposta do ano. E agora ela quer sangue: o sangue de lex. Em meio a chantagens, intrigas, vinganças, diálogos ácidos, aventuras, romance e momentos hilários, as páginas desse livro entrarão em combustão espontânea. Quem sairá vencedor? Façam suas apostas. O jogo de sedução está prestes a começar.

Agora a pergunta. porquê???
Eu explico. Este livro teve uma historia que eu nao estava nada mais mesmo nada a espera.
Em primeiro lugar Nina é violenta e cheia de sarcasmo e lingua afiada, e o Lex é aquele tipo de parvos que sabem que sao bonitos e pensam que conseguem qualque uma so de olhar para elas.
Mas a aposta entre eles e o romance desenvolvido no livro esta DEMAIS!!

Mais a minha parte favorita nao foi nem essa? A que conseguiu meter os meus nervos a prova foi a tal  KIBI, FILHA DE UMA EGUA , OBCECADERRIMAAAA por Lex que estava que queria vinganca da Nina ela e o gordo do BOLA manegeram tudo para a grande destruicao deste dois. EU QUERIA MATAAAARRR a DESGRACADA.

 EU se pudesse eu metia a cabeca dela debaixo da arreia e deixava ela LA!! Sufocando ate a morte

MAS ENFIIIIMM!! Eu la me controlei, e disfrutei do lindo final deste livro. Ele foi ter com ela em PARIS!! ai que lindooooo.

`100% recomendado
PS; Eu esqueci de mencionar que eu ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiii o irmao dela. a escritora bem que podia fazer um livro sobre o irmao de NINA1 ;)

Rule (Marked Men #1) by Jay Crownover

Opposites in every way . . . except the one that matters

Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Rule is everything a straight--A pre-med student like Shaw shouldn’t want--and the only person she’s never tried to please. She isn’t afraid of his scary piercings and tattoos or his wild attitude. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won’t listen.

To a rebel like Rule Archer, Shaw Landon is a stuck-up, perfect princess-and his dead twin brother’s girl. She lives by other people’s rules; he makes his own. He doesn’t have time for a good girl like Shaw-even if she’s the only one who can see the person he truly is.

But a short skirt, too many birthday cocktails, and spilled secrets lead to a night neither can forget. Now, Shaw and Rule have to figure out how a girl like her and a guy like him are supposed to be together without destroying their love . . . or each other.



 My baby boy would be my perfect RULEE!!

This book its so awesome, Shaw its like amazing, confident, she knows how to take care of him, she hot, pretty and smart. THIS WOMEN DESERVES ALL THE FUCKING STARS IN THIS REVIEW.

He's a tattoo artist. He's DAMN HOT AND GORGEOUS!! He is independent, full of attitude, style and sarcasm.
But he is rejected by his own parents, his mom HAS BIG ISSUES, his twin brother past away and she is all the time comparing Rule with him, but Rule is unapproachable and his not afraid to be himself
Shaw always loved him alwaysss. Because for her he was amazing just the way he was.

“Because it’s always been you even when I didn't want it to be, even when it broke my heart over and over again. It’s just always been you.” 

“What if I ask you to give me everything, Shaw? What if I want it all?   Won’t that make me just like all the rest of them?”

“No, because you don’t have to ask for anything, all of it is already yours.   You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted to give it to.”


 The feelings they have for each other are all consuming. They're full of passion and intensity.

They break walls, they hurt each other, they find love, they find pain, they were rejected, they were distant, but they fight to be together, to make it work.



Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan

4 STARS!!!
Cade’s always taken risks…

Cade takes cares of his sick younger sister by doing what he does best--cage fighting and starring in adult movies, his newest harebrained moneymaking scheme designed to pay for his sister’s growing medical bills. But when his latest gig finds him admitted to the ER sporting an erection from hell, thanks to the little pill given to him by the director, he can’t get the pretty little nurse who treated him out of his head, even though he knows she’s so far out of his league it should be illegal.

Alexa’s always played it safe…

Tired of being pigeonholed as the sweet, innocent one, hardworking nursing student Alexa has been looking for ways to break out of her Goody Two-shoes image. When her friend suggests the outlandish idea of losing her virginity to the sexy and sure-to-be-skilled porn star, Alexa is mortified. But then when Cade refuses her proposition, she finds herself pissed off and embarrassed. When she tracks him down to give him a piece of her mind, she isn’t prepared for what she finds. Watching him care for his little sister tugs at her heart, and suddenly it’s no longer just about losing her virginity, but about helping Cade. Because Lord help her, she might actually be falling for a porn star…

OK Loves this books was epic, because first of all he is a porn star, second of all she is like considering have sex with him, third he is such a hot guy with a cute little sister that he take care of.
 I like it

 Dammit. I knew a four-hour erection wasn’t normal. I shifted uncomfortably in the cab of my truck and debated what to do. The emergency clinic was open twenty-four hours so that wasn’t the problem. It was embarrassment over my condition that had me stalling in the parking lot. But damn, this thing was fucking painful.' 

he has a 4 hour erection, he met this cute nurse, he is doing those shitty movies because of his little sister.
He is poor, she is rich, and well, cliche story with normal happy ending
Good though:)


Cade sempre se arriscou...
Cade cuida de sua irmã mais nova e doente fazendo o que faz de melhor: lutando e estrelando em filmes adultos, o seu mais novo louco esquema para ganhar dinheiro e assim poder pagar as contas médicas crescentes de sua irmã. Quando o seu mais recente trabalho faz que com ele tenha que ser admitido na emergência de uma clínica médica ostentando uma ereção do inferno, graças à pequena pílula dada a ele pelo diretor, não consegue tirar a enfermeira bonita que cuidou dele de sua cabeça, mesmo sabendo que ela está tão fora de seu alcance que deveria ser ilegal.
Alexa sempre jogou pelo seguro...
Cansada de ser rotulada como uma doce, inocente e empenhada estudante de enfermagem, Alexa tem procurado maneiras de quebrar a imagem de santinha que todos têm dela. Quando sua amiga sugere que ela perca sua virgindade com a estrela pornô sexy e seguramente qualificada para a missão, Alexa acha a ideia bizarra e fica mortificada. Porém quando Cade recusa a sua proposta, ela encontra-se chateada e envergonhada. Mas ela não está preparada para o que encontra quando decide procurá-lo para lhe dizer o que pensa da sua atitude idiota. Vê-lo cuidar de sua irmã mais nova mexe com seu coração, e de repente a situação não é mais apenas sobre a perda de sua virgindade, mas sobre ajudar Cade. Porque o Senhor a ajude, ela pode estar realmente se apaixonando por uma estrela pornô...

Such a long time...

so welll,

since has passed all this time Im going to spam my own blog with new books that I finished.

Thanks all of you for ur patients loves. keep reading

For that IM BACK!!

quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

Amor por livros/ Books Love (RULE)

Tem sido um dia muito agitado, alem do mais acabar o livro Rule esta a ser uma tarefa difícil, nao pelo facto de ser um mau livro, mas pelo facto da leitura ser incrivelmente FANTÁSTICA que nao me deixa concentrar nos meus trabalhos escolares, o que esta a frustar deveras a minha mae e a sua paciência santa, graças ao Senhor maioria do trabalho esta feito, estão so tenho que finalizar o meu Altered Book.
Mas devo dizer que o livro esta a sair melhor que a encomenda, so espero k o final nao seja de desgostoso, pois tanta leitura,  tantos saltos de alegria que tive sobre este livro que eu acho que morreria de desgosto se algo de mal acontecesse.
ANYWAY people, so passei para dizer que estou viva,  (Thanks God For that), e que máximo dos máximos irei postar novidades , e revisões ainda esta sexta feira.
Xoxo leitores e tenham uma boa leitura.

So yeah I started with Portuguese this time, but I just came to say that IM ALIVE, and I will post some reviews and upcomings this friday maybe, MAYBEEEE!! don't know yet, but Ill will do the best I can people. Im still reading Rule and Im still trying to figure out everything on that story, am in love with the book, and to be honest the review for this book its going to be insane, because this book just went to my fave list. 
Well readers have a nice thursday and take care.
Enjoy your time (reading) or something else ;)

domingo, 5 de maio de 2013


yeah thats correct I have lots and lots of books to make a review, but unfortunatly I dont have time for that, Even that I want to.. I still have to finish so many stuff, and to have time to come here its like crazy.

However Im trying to manage my time for the reviews.

 just for you guys have a clue of some of the books I already have read and needs  a review, Ill make you a list.
Fifty Shades Triology,  

2nd A sombra do vento

3rd O anagrama de Varsovia

4th Beautiful Bastard

5th Beautiful Desaster

6th Fire After Dark

7th Halo

8th Rule

9th Warm Bodies

10 th Leaving Paradise / Returnig to Paradise

11th Losing it

12th Slave Triology

13th Perdida

14th Procura-se marido

and others that i cant remmeber, dudes. its a lot

Pessoal aqui esta a lista de alguns dos livros que ainda me faltam fazer revisao, ainda tenho postar a resenha para todos eles, todos os livros aqui estao deponiveis para epub, mais inflismente nem todos estao em portugues. qualquer coisa para downloads nao esite em ppostar seu comentario. bom feriados para os ingles e boa semana para quem nao vai ter feriado amah, beijao grande que eu.. bem eu vou LER!! ^^

Gabriel's books REVIEW/ Revisao livros de sylvain reynard


Ok I could not make a review on the othr post, it was a lot of information for only one post, so a decided to post the review both in portuguese and english here, in this little post.
lOOOLL...little. ahahahahah yeah i said little, but it will not be little, I LOVE SO DAMN MUCH THIS BOOOOOOKKKK.. that this post will not definitly be little,
 This review will  show you the LOVE
This book is so wonderfully written, how can someone give a bad review to this. seriously
Anyone who gives under 4* to this book He or She has B.I.G ISSUESS!!

I was not prepared for this book! At first I thought it would just be a nice book,a  quick read to pass the time over a few days. I was so DAMN Wrong! 
 Everything was so freaking perfect, the Gabriel story, Julia's life, everything matches, everything was so wel structure,  I mean, this is just... 

there was so much tension .... Thank GOD the end was worth waiting for!

The chemistry between them is so intense, they have a huge story together,  He has an intellectual taste and just the right amount of powerful manly man has.OMGGGGGG! Looking forward to reading Gabriel's Redemption!

That is coming only on 3rd of December. Merry christmas everyone. -.- I'M GOING TO CRY!!
We still have to wait 6 months for this

 OK it was not that long , innit, oh well, TOTALY RECOMMEND!! seat your but in the chair open the freaking book and read, yeah its quite long, buuuuuuuttt, cmon LIfe its no perfect

Pessoas de lingua portuguesa. eu sei o que estao a pensar, provavelmete ja estavao a ficar loucos de isto estar tudo em ingles, mas aqui enta, lindo e rapido para voces. Eu amei como poderam ver la em cima, eu amei o livro e digo realmente quem da menos de 4 estrelas a este livro, tem serio mas serio PROBLEMAS..
O livro é tao bem escrito, a historia de ambos é de derreter manteiga , eu mal posso esperar pelo 3rd livro, eu estou a DESESPERAR.
Eu tou mais que meio louca so a espera do livro 
Recomendo sem gaguejar este livro, é muito bem escrito e ate para ser sincera aprende-se muito sobre Dante e Beatrice, muito cultura geral tambem, estao a ver,... 2 em 1, melhor em impossivel. ;)

Gabriel Inferno / Gabriel Rapture / Gabriel Redemption

Enigmatic and sexy, Professor Gabriel Emerson is a well respected Dante specialist by day, but by night he devotes himself to an uninhibited life of pleasure. He uses his notorious good looks and sophisticated charm to gratify his every whim, but is secretly tortured by his dark past and consumed by the profound belief that he is beyond all hope of redemption. When the sweet and innocent Julia Mitchell enrolls as his graduate student, his attraction and mysterious connection to her not only jeopardizes his career, but sends him on a journey in which his past and his present collide. An intriguing and sinful exploration of seduction, forbidden love and redemption, "Gabriel's Inferno" is a captivating and wildly passionate tale of one man's escape from his own personal hell as he tries to earn the impossible...forgiveness and love.

*_* They look so amazing together. OHH GOOOSSHHHH

Professor Gabriel Emerson has embarked on a passionate, yet clandestine affair with his former student, Julia Mitchell. Sequestered on a romantic holiday in Italy, he tutors her in the sensual delights of the body and the raptures of sex. But when they return, their happiness is threatened by conspiring students, academic politics, and a jealous ex-lover. When Gabriel is confronted by the university administration, will he succumb to Dante's fate? Or will he fight to keep Julia, his Beatrice, forever? In Gabriel's Rapture, the brilliant sequel to the wildly successful debut novel, Gabriel's Inferno, Sylvain Reynard weaves an exquisite love story that will touch the reader's mind, body, and soul, forever

Professor Gabriel Emerson has left his position at the University of Toronto to embark on a new life with his beloved Julianne. Together, he’s confident that they can face any challenge. And he’s eager to become a father.

But Julianne’s graduate program threatens Gabriel’s plans, as the pressures of being a student become all consuming. When she is given the honor of presenting an academic lecture at Oxford, Gabriel is forced to confront her about the subject of her presentation – research that conflicts with his own. And in Oxford, several individuals from their past appear, including an old nemesis intent on humiliating Julia and exposing one of Gabriel’s darkest secrets.

In an effort to confront his remaining demons, Gabriel begins a quest to discover more about his biological parents, beginning a chain of events that has startling repercussions for himself, Julianne, and his hope of having a family.


sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013

BUSY BUSY BUSY / Muito Ocupada

Ok I know I did not made a review in 3 days
I've been studying like crazy, and I had to find time to read during these stressful three days.
But! I must say that even so, with the little time I had, I managed to read two books.

Leaving Paradise


                                                                  Return to Paradise

I'll make the revision of this and (Gabriel Inferno) tomorrow.
Now I'm finishing another very good book, but I will only make this revision on Sunday
Welllllll!!!! have a good Friday and see you guys tomorrow * kisses *

have a good  reading

eu estive a estudar feito louca, e tive que arranjar  horas para ler, durante estes estressantes 3 dias .
Mas! Devo dizer que mesmo assim, com o pouco de tempo que tive, eu consegui ler 2 livros.
Vou fazer a revisao deste e de  (Gabriel inferno) amanha.
Agora estou a finalizar outro livro muito bom, mas só irei fazer revisao deste no domingo ,
Bem tenha uma boa sexta feira e ate amanha *kisses*