sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan

4 STARS!!!
Cade’s always taken risks…

Cade takes cares of his sick younger sister by doing what he does best--cage fighting and starring in adult movies, his newest harebrained moneymaking scheme designed to pay for his sister’s growing medical bills. But when his latest gig finds him admitted to the ER sporting an erection from hell, thanks to the little pill given to him by the director, he can’t get the pretty little nurse who treated him out of his head, even though he knows she’s so far out of his league it should be illegal.

Alexa’s always played it safe…

Tired of being pigeonholed as the sweet, innocent one, hardworking nursing student Alexa has been looking for ways to break out of her Goody Two-shoes image. When her friend suggests the outlandish idea of losing her virginity to the sexy and sure-to-be-skilled porn star, Alexa is mortified. But then when Cade refuses her proposition, she finds herself pissed off and embarrassed. When she tracks him down to give him a piece of her mind, she isn’t prepared for what she finds. Watching him care for his little sister tugs at her heart, and suddenly it’s no longer just about losing her virginity, but about helping Cade. Because Lord help her, she might actually be falling for a porn star…

OK Loves this books was epic, because first of all he is a porn star, second of all she is like considering have sex with him, third he is such a hot guy with a cute little sister that he take care of.
 I like it

 Dammit. I knew a four-hour erection wasn’t normal. I shifted uncomfortably in the cab of my truck and debated what to do. The emergency clinic was open twenty-four hours so that wasn’t the problem. It was embarrassment over my condition that had me stalling in the parking lot. But damn, this thing was fucking painful.' 

he has a 4 hour erection, he met this cute nurse, he is doing those shitty movies because of his little sister.
He is poor, she is rich, and well, cliche story with normal happy ending
Good though:)


Cade sempre se arriscou...
Cade cuida de sua irmã mais nova e doente fazendo o que faz de melhor: lutando e estrelando em filmes adultos, o seu mais novo louco esquema para ganhar dinheiro e assim poder pagar as contas médicas crescentes de sua irmã. Quando o seu mais recente trabalho faz que com ele tenha que ser admitido na emergência de uma clínica médica ostentando uma ereção do inferno, graças à pequena pílula dada a ele pelo diretor, não consegue tirar a enfermeira bonita que cuidou dele de sua cabeça, mesmo sabendo que ela está tão fora de seu alcance que deveria ser ilegal.
Alexa sempre jogou pelo seguro...
Cansada de ser rotulada como uma doce, inocente e empenhada estudante de enfermagem, Alexa tem procurado maneiras de quebrar a imagem de santinha que todos têm dela. Quando sua amiga sugere que ela perca sua virgindade com a estrela pornô sexy e seguramente qualificada para a missão, Alexa acha a ideia bizarra e fica mortificada. Porém quando Cade recusa a sua proposta, ela encontra-se chateada e envergonhada. Mas ela não está preparada para o que encontra quando decide procurá-lo para lhe dizer o que pensa da sua atitude idiota. Vê-lo cuidar de sua irmã mais nova mexe com seu coração, e de repente a situação não é mais apenas sobre a perda de sua virgindade, mas sobre ajudar Cade. Porque o Senhor a ajude, ela pode estar realmente se apaixonando por uma estrela pornô...

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