domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Upcoming Books 2013 / Livros 2013

OK dudes and dudetes its coming.

Gabriel Redemption from Sylvain Reynard
Book Cover Reveal
 Im going to talk about this book in another post, and I going to give my review about it, also Im waiting for
Truth from Sherri Hayes

and  not forgetting my wonderfull BOOK

Faking it from Cora Carmarck

By the way I just realise I did not introduce myself,
o.O Oh DAM but Ill make a post about that.xp

Ok for who speaks portuguese / PARA QUEM FALA PORTUGUES

Estes sao os meus livros de espera para 2013 eu estou super anciosa, a revisao dos livros anteriores sera posta aqui pois ja foram lidos, continuem acompanhar e nao exitem a deixar qualquem pergunta ou duvida que tenham. =)


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